I can't imagine them publishing these statments in the "for public consumption" WT or Awake!
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
December 15 Watchtower --- A New Low in WT Anti-Intellectualism
by Room 215 ini wonder whether any of you took note of the article in the 12/15 study edition wt "the simplified watchtower .. why introduced" i couldn't believe they actually had the temerity to put such tripe into print and onto the record.. i was flat-out astonished with its put-down of vocabulary building and self-improvement:.
one egregious example: " the time spent looking up words and explaining expressions (ostensibly from the "smart people's" watchtower) is now spent gaining an understanding of the scriptures and how they fit into the lesson.".
one jw cited in the article actually blames her college education for causing her to fall into the bad habit of "speaking and thinking a way that was more complicated than necessary.
December 15 Watchtower --- A New Low in WT Anti-Intellectualism
by Room 215 ini wonder whether any of you took note of the article in the 12/15 study edition wt "the simplified watchtower .. why introduced" i couldn't believe they actually had the temerity to put such tripe into print and onto the record.. i was flat-out astonished with its put-down of vocabulary building and self-improvement:.
one egregious example: " the time spent looking up words and explaining expressions (ostensibly from the "smart people's" watchtower) is now spent gaining an understanding of the scriptures and how they fit into the lesson.".
one jw cited in the article actually blames her college education for causing her to fall into the bad habit of "speaking and thinking a way that was more complicated than necessary.
Room 215
I wonder whether any of you took note of the article in the 12/15 study edition WT "The Simplified Watchtower .. Why Introduced" I couldn't believe they actually had the temerity to put such tripe into print and onto the record.. I was flat-out astonished with its put-down of vocabulary building and self-improvement:
One egregious example: " The time spent looking up words and explaining expressions (ostensibly from the "smart people's" Watchtower) is now spent gaining an understanding of the scriptures and how they fit into the lesson."
One JW cited in the article actually blames her college education for causing her to fall into the bad habit of "speaking and thinking a way that was more complicated than necessary."
Unbelievable; a paean to simple-mindedness.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are not an American sect - Why?
by bats in the belfry inthe reason being:.
"all of our teachings are based on the bible, not on the writings of some religious leader in the united states.
" 1 thessalonians 2:13.. (item #3 on jw.org web page).
Room 215
Of course they are, however stridently they argue to the contrary....
by DATA-DOG inhave you ever wondered why the gb do not have open, honest discussions with other religious adherents?
have you ever pondered over the reasons that rank & file dubs are told not to debate their beliefs with a householder?
certainly if someone's life depended upon your 5 minute presentation at their door, you would be eager to discuss your beliefs.
Room 215
Deep down, JWs, especially the leadership,must know that many if not most of their beliefs are untenable, and that any open-forum, freewheeling public debate would expose them to ridicule.
May 15 2013 WT: "REAL elders skip meals and lose sleep!"
by cedars infinally we have the society's expectations of elders in print.. this is from page 9 of the may 15th study edition.... "as indicated by the experiences of the apostle paul, our ministry may result in sleepless nights and times without food.
(2 cor.
6:5) these expressions paint a vivid picture of self-sacrifice and may well remind us of pioneers who give their ministry first place in life while supporting themselves financially.
Room 215
" I've known and seen many examples of ones who constantly and relentlessly call the elders, bugging them for the most asenine and trivial matters."
If the elders, at the behest of their Brooklyn/Patterson overlords didn't short-circuit their flock's reasoning faculties and self-reliance by incessantly demonizing "independent thinking" and nurturing the unthinking, uncritical acceptance of everything they say, these calls would stop.
Room 215
It's sad that grown men would waste their lives -- hours and hours away from worthwhile pursuits and their families-- in pointless, nonsensical meetings like these.
wait for it...the day when a non anointed will be on the Governing Body
by Aussie Oz ini believe that one of the next big doctrine changes will be that the non annointed can be on the gb (and eventually the whole gb will be non annointed).. now that they have slipped through that they are all domestics (the "idea" that jeffery jackson loves so) the current gb are also "domestics" when not meeting as the gb, just as the rest of the rank and file and other annointed are.. not hard to see how they can now bring in any "domestic'' annointed or not to be on the gb.
once one is in, they can bring in more as they swap over.. stand by for more new light from the celestial chariot.... they would not have made so much of the whole ''domestic'' thing just because jackson had the happies for it, there will be a reason behind the manourver i am sure.
i can't see it as essential to the change of fds from the remnant to the 8. that they could have just stated and it would have been accepted without question.
Room 215
Right, sir82 -- and I wouldn't bet against the likelihood that 47-year old Mark Sanderson wasn't given a nudge ...
Pro-JW website SLAMS apostates
by yadda yadda 2 inat the site, click on the pictures to read lengthy diatribes against apostates lol.. apostasy "seeing oneself as a victim denied" .
as a result of seeing oneself as a victim denied, there can occur a powerful drive toward disaffection and apostasy.
as is almost inevitably the case, there is a great need on the part of a leave-taker to validate their oppositional stance, and the victim-victimizer scenario greatly assists a person in justifying their course of action.
Room 215
Josef ("Big Lie") Goebbels would have loved these guys!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini heard very few if any, of the new members on the governing body actually go out in field service more than three hours a month.
is there a reason why the governing body would excuse themselves from the master's commandments?
jesus christ never said "spending time writing rules and regulations" was part of matthew 28. .
Room 215
If tghey go D2D at all, I'm quite certain it doesn't amount to much more than a perfunctory couple of hours here and there; certainly no extensive record-keeping or return visits, or driving around for hours making calls interspersed with Starbucks breaks. When I was in Bethelo and assigned to the Brooklyn Heights congregation, I assisted the Assistant Congregation Servant (Harold Dies, I believe it was at the time) with compiling of field service reports and got to see those for several of the biggies, including Knorr... never more than just a few hours, never double digits... likely little more than counting the time spent delivering talks.
How the new light on the domestics may backfire on the Watchtower Society
by yadda yadda 2 inthe new light is a bit of give and take by the gb.
they have taken upon themselves the title of the faithful and discreet slave, in exchange for pushing the 'appointment over all of his [christ's] belongings' out into the future, and also in exchange for allowing the earthly class to be counted as 'domestics'.
the gb can now totally lord it as kings over the flock in exchange for having "dignified" them by including them as domestics.
Room 215
The "new light" seems to me to be more about the demotion of the non-GB partakers than it is about the elevation of the Great Crowd to the status of domestics. This should finally disabuse the "anointed" partakers of any lingering notion that they have prerogatives or rights to be consulted on matters of doctrine, "new Light" or policy.